Anime Speed Quiz

Quick Summary

How long does it take you to recognize an episode of anime? 15 seconds? 5 seconds? The first frame!? Test your skills and win the ultimate prize!

Full Panel Description

Participants are called up to face off against each other in a game that puts anime fans to the ultimate test!

Each round consists of showing the first frame from an anime (e.g. episode 1, scene 1 of Fairy Tail). Contestants can “buzz in” if they know what anime it is. If no one can answer based on the first frame, the video will play and the first contestant to “buzz in” with the correct answer will go on to the next round.

After every 1–3 rounds (depending on the number of willing volunteers), the losing participant is replaced with a new participant and the process repeats.

At the end of the panel, the last standing player will be crowned the Anime Champion and will win a prize!
